IPS will have a Distance Learning Day tomorrow, Friday, February 21. Teachers will be available during normal school hours to answer questions via email. Stay safe and warm!
22 days ago, Inola Public Schools
Distance Learning Feb 21
IPS will have a Distance Learning Day tomorrow, Thursday, February 20. Teachers will answer and respond to questions during normal school hours. Conferences scheduled for the evening of the 20th are postponed and more information about the make-up plan will be released early next week. The district is continuing to monitor the weather forecast and bus route conditions to determine when on-campus instruction can safely resume.
23 days ago, Inola Public Schools
Distance Learning Feb 20
IPS will have a Distance Learning Day tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19. Teachers will be available during normal school hours to answer questions via email. The district is monitoring the weather forecast and will make decisions regarding the remainder of the week as information becomes available. Stay safe and warm!
24 days ago, Inola Public Schools
Distance Learning Feb 19
IPS will have a Distance Learning Day tomorrow, Tuesday, February 18. Teachers will be available during normal school hours to answer questions via email. The district is monitoring the weather forecast and will make decisions regarding the remainder of the week as information becomes available. Stay safe and warm!
25 days ago, Inola Public Schools
Distance Learning Feb 18
IPS will have a Distance Learning Day today, Wednesday, February 12. Teachers will be available during normal school hours to answer questions via email. Stay safe and warm!
about 1 month ago, Inola Public Schools
Distance Learning Feb 12
Taher wants your opinion on our school lunches! Complete this survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N6FLNNM
about 1 month ago, Inola Public Schools
Parent Preview Night for the Puberty and HIV Classes will be this Thursday, February 6th, at 6:00pm in the MS/HS Media Center. Student must return the bottom of the school flyer to *not* attend the class. Please call 918.543.0308 or 918.543.0408 with any questions you have.
about 1 month ago, Inola Public Schools
Parent Preview Night for Puberty and HIV Classes on February 6th at 6:00pm in the Media Center at the Secondary Campus
Inola's 2nd Annual Hall of Fame Banquet
about 1 month ago, Inola Public Schools
Hall of Fame Banquet 2025
IPS will resume classes as scheduled tomorrow, January 22, 2025. See you at school!
about 2 months ago, Inola Public Schools
School is in session
School will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21st. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority, and we believe this closure is necessary to ensure everyone remains safe. We will provide updates regarding the resumption of classes as soon as possible.
about 2 months ago, Inola Public Schools
Snow Day January 21st
REMINDER Voting for Bond 2025 is Tuesday, January 14, at your regular polling place 7am - 7pm .All registered voters who reside in the IPS school district are eligible to vote. More information can be found at www.inola.k12.ok.us/page/bond-2025
about 2 months ago, Inola Public Schools
Bond Vote January 14
IPS will have a Distance Learning Day tomorrow, Friday, January 10. Teachers will be available during normal school hours to answer questions via email. Any updates to the athletic activity schedule will be shared as soon as it is available. Stay safe and warm!
2 months ago, Inola Public Schools
Distance Learning Friday, January 10
IPS has been monitoring the weather as it enters our area. We understand some parents are concerned about declining road conditions. If you would like to pick up your child this afternoon, you may do so. Our busses will run as scheduled at the end of the school day. No decision has been made at this time regarding tomorrow. If you have any questions, contact the school office: Elementary School - 918.543.0200, Middle School - 918.543.0300, High School - 918.543.0400. Please be safe and stay warm!
2 months ago, Inola Public Schools
Weather Alert
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS will be virtual Friday, January 10. Teachers will be available by phone or email during school hours to assist students as needed. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AND MIDDLE SCHOOL will have a traditional school day at their campuses.
2 months ago, Inola Public Schools
Want to know more about our winnings from T-Mobile? Here is an update!
3 months ago, Inola Public Schools
T-Mobile Prize Update
Curious to know more about our winnings from T-Mobile? Here is an update!
3 months ago, Inola Public Schools
Graphic explaining prize package from t-mobile competition
To ensure as many people as possible have an opportunity to learn more about our upcoming bond and ask questions about it, another open forum has been scheduled for 9am *this Saturday* at the District Administration Office. If you are unable to attend any of the scheduled forums but have questions about the bond issue, please contact Mr. Unrau at 918.543.0502 or junrau@inola.k12.ok.us.
3 months ago, Inola Public Schools
Bond 2025 Open Forum Saturday, December 14, 9am
For anyone with questions in regard to the upcoming school bond vote, there will be two open forums before the vote. Sessions will be January 6th and 7th at 6:00 pm at the Inola Administration Building at 110 N Broadway. Citizens are also welcome to call the superintendent’s office anytime at 918.543.0502 or email junrau@inola.k12.ok.us.
3 months ago, Inola Public Schools
High School Students: The winner of the T-Mobile Friday Night 5G Lights competitions is going to be announced on Tuesday, December 3rd. Please wear *PINK* Tuesday and report to the Main Gym when you get to school!
3 months ago, Inola Public Schools
TMobile FN5GL Logo
Rogers County Fair 2024🎡 Swine 🐖 Michael Hass Goats 🐐 Savanna Gleason Chloe Echols Jeremiah Frye Kinslee Frye Aynsley Wright Kaylynn Farar Sheep 🐑 Rhyan Hadley Cambrey Gibson Delaney Gibson Samantha Lankford Cattle 🐄 Will Willhour Chickens and Rabbits 🐇 🐓 Caitlyn Earven Michael Hass Thomas Hass Showmanship Sheep: Delaney Gibson- Champion Senior Showman and Scholarship winner Cattle: Will Willhour- Reserve Champion Senior Showman
6 months ago, Barbara Barnes